Matilde Forcella
Post Doc
Research activities and skills
My research is focused on biochemical, molecular and functional aspects of proteins, in particular on the characterization of insect trehalase with the aim of designing inhibitors more specific towards this biomarker and of human sialidiases NEU2, NEU3 e NEU4, from both structural and functional point of view. My research is also focused on the role of the sialidase NEU3 in cancer development, with a particular focus on the interaction with EGFR activation, and on the evaluation of the cadmium exposure effect on carcinogenesis.
Most Relevant Publication
D'Adamio G, Forcella M, Fusi P, Parenti P, Matassini C, Ferhati X, Vanni C, Cardona F. Probing the Influence of Linker Length and Flexibility
in the Design and Synthesis of New Trehalase Inhibitors. Molecules. 2018 Feb 16;23(2). pii: E436. doi: 10.3390/molecules23020436 (2018)
M. Forcella, A. Mozzi, F.M. Stefanini, A. Riva, S. Epistolio, F. Molinari, E. Merlo, E. Monti, P. Fusi, M. Frattini. Deregulation of sialidases in
human tumor tissues. Cancer Biomarkers Feb 14;21(3):591-601. doi: 10.3233/CBM-170548 (2018)
G. Callegaro# , M. Forcella#, P. Melchioretto, A. Frattini, L. Gribaldo, P. Fusi, M. Fabbri, C. Urani. #Authors who equally contributed to this
work. Toxicogenomics applied to in vitro Cell Transformation Assay reveals mechanisms of early response to cadmium. Toxicology in Vitro
Apr;48:232-243. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2018.01.025. Epub 2018 Jan 31 (2018)
Forcella, M. Oldani, S. Epistolio, S. Freguia, E. Monti, P. Fusi and M. Frattini. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), EGFR downstream
pathway activation and TKI targeted therapies sensitivity: effect of the plasma membrane-associated NEU3. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0187289.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187289 (2017)
M. Forcella#, G. Callegaro#, P. Melchioretto, L. Gribaldo, M. Frattini, F.M. Stefanini, P. Fusi, C. Urani. #Authors who equally contributed to
this work. Cadmium-transformed cells in the in vitro cell transformation assay reveal different proliferative behaviours and activated
pathways. Toxicology in Vitro 36, 71-80 (2016)