Monica Bononi
Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor of Food Science and Technology.
Chair of Food Chemical Analysis for the Degree in Food Services Management
Chair of Flavor Chemistry and Technology
Research activities and skills
Analytical characterization of raw vegetable materials and food preparations for quality, safety, and nutritional evaluation. Analytical chemistry of flavors, additives, and involuntary molecules in traces. Studies of shelf life and formulation of food preparation including flavors formulation. Specialist in advanced physical-chemical instrumental applications.
Most Relevant Publication
Bononi, F. Tateo, A. Tateo, Triglycerides variability in donkey milk. Italian Journal of Food Science, Vol 29, 2017 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14674/1120-1770%2Fijfs.v646
Bononi, G. Quaglia, F. Tateo, Preliminary LC-IRMS characterization of Italian pure lemon juices and evaluation of commercial juices distributed in the Italian market. Food Analytical Methods, 9, 2824-2831 (2016) (DOI 10.1007/s12161-016-0479-5)
Bononi, G. Quaglia, F. Tateo, Easy Extraction Method To Evaluate δ13C Vanillin by Liquid Chromatography−Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry in Chocolate Bars and Chocolate Snack Foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, (19) 4777-4781 (2015). mDOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b02136
Bononi, P. Milella, F. Tateo, Gas chromatography of safranal as preferable method for the commercial grading of saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Food Chemistry 176, 17–21 (2015).
Bononi, G. Quaglia, F. Tateo, Identification of ethylene oxide in herbs, spices and other dried vegetables imported into Italy. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 31(2), 271-275 (2014)