Maurizio Arcari
Full Professor of international law at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Research activities and skills
International law
Most Relevant Publication
Arcari, M. (2017). UN Security Council Resolutions before the European Court of Human Rights: Exploring Alternative Approaches for the Solution of Normative Conflicts. In P. Acconci, D. Donat Cattin, A. Marchesi, G. Palmisano, & V. Santori (a cura di), International Law and Protection of Humanity. Essays in Honour of Flavia Lattanzi (pp. 24-37). Leiden/Boston : Brill Nijhoff.
Arcari, M. (2017). La risposta statunitense all’uso di armi chimiche in Siria e la (con)fusione delle categorie dello ”ius ad bellum”. DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE, 11(2), 375-386.
Arcari, M. (2017). International Reactions to the Crimea Annexation under the Law of State Responsibility: "Collective Countermeasures" and Beyond?. In W. Czaplinski, S. Debski, R. Tarnogorski, & K. Wierczynska (a cura di), The Case of Crimea's Annexation under International Law (pp. 223-235). Warsaw : Scholar Publishing House.
Arcari, M., & Ninatti, S. (2017). Narratives of Constitutionalization in the European Union Court of Justice and in the European Court of Human Rights Case Law. ICL JOURNAL, 11(1), 11-41.
Ninatti, S., & Arcari, M. (2016). Narratives of Constitutionalization in the European Union Court of Justice and in the European Court of Human Rights Case Law. Intervento presentato a: International Constitutional Law, Vienna, Austria.