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Raffaele Matacena - BEST4food

Raffaele Matacena


PhD candidate in URBEUR – Urban Studies, Department of Sociology

Research activities and skills

Small scale farming characteristics and obstacles to economic sustainability; assessment of alternative food networks’ shortcomings and potentialities in managing short food chains; farming and urban food policies; food economy; rural sociology; urban-rural linkages; food consumption patterns and trends; food activism; food sovereignty.

Most Relevant Publication

Martindale L., Matacena R., Beacham J. (2018), “Varieties of Alterity: Alternative Food Networks in the UK, Italy and China”, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, (115), 27-41. DOI: 10.3280/SUR2018-115-S1003

Corvo P., Matacena R. (2018), “The new ‘online’ alternative food networks as a socio-technical innovation in the local food economy: two cases from Milan”, in Scupola A., Fuglsang L. (eds.), Crossroads of Service, Innovation and Experience Research: Emerging and Consolidated Trends, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northampton, (in press)

Corvo P., Matacena R. (2017), “Slow Food in Slow Tourism”, in Clancy M. (ed.), Slow Tourism, Food and Cities: Pace and the Search for the 'Good Life', Routledge Advances in Tourism, Routledge, London

Matacena R. (2016), “Linking alternative food networks and urban food policy: a step forward in the transition towards a sustainable and equitable food system?”, International Review of Social Research, 6 (1), 49-58, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/irsr-2016-0007