Antonio Finizio


Associated Professor of Ecology and Ecotoxicology at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Research activities and skills

The research activity of Dr. Finizio is oriented towards the two major aspects of the environmental risk assessment: evaluation of the effects and evaluation of the exposure, particularly for pesticides. The aim is to produce predictive tools for an appropriate management of potentially dangerous chemical substances.

Most Relevant Publication

Ferrario, C, Parolini, M., De Felice, B., Villa, S., Finizio, A., 2018. Linking sub-individual and supra-individual effects in Daphnia magna exposed to sub-lethal concentration of chlorpyrifos. Env. Poll., vol. 235, p. 411-418, ISSN: 0269-7491, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.12.113

Di Guardo A. and Finizio A., 2017. Sustainable use of veterinary pharmaceuticals on the territory (Sust-PHarm): Linking available database of manure management and environmental fate models. Sci of Tot. Env., 575, 1014-1026;

Di Nica V., Menaballi L., Azimonti G., Finizio A., 2015. RANKVET: A new ranking method for comparing and prioritizing the environmental risk of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Ecological Indicators, 52, 270-276;

Di Guardo A. and Finizio A., 2015. A client–server software for the identification of groundwater vulnerability to pesticides at regional level. Sci of Tot. Env., Vol., 530-531, 247-256

Calliera, M., Finizio, A., Azimonti, G., Benfenati, E., Trevisan, M. Harmonised pesticide risk trend indicator for food (HAPERITIF): The methodological approach (2006) Pest Management Science, 62 (12), pp. 1168-1176. DOI: 10.1002/ps.1292

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