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Elisabetta Lamarque - BEST4food

Elisabetta Lamarque


Associated Professor in Public Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca and law clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court in Rome.

Research activities and skills

Research field includes, inter alia, fundamental rights and the right to food.

Most Relevant Publication

Cartabia M., Lamarque E., La giustizia costituzionale europea cento anni dopo (1920-2020), [European Constitutional Justice One Handred Years Later (1920-2020)], in Quad. cost., n. 4/2020

Giacomelli L., Lamarque E., The Italian Constitutional Court and the Pandemic. A National and Comparative Perspective, in Coronavirus and the Law in Europe, ed. by E. Hondius – M. Santos Silva – C. Wendehorst – P. Coderch – A. Nicolussi – F. Zoll, Intersentia, 2020, on line at https://www.intersentiaonline.com/bundle/coronavirus-and-the

Cartabia M., Lamarque E., Forms of Direct Democracy and Abrogative Referenda (Part I, Chapter 5), The General Aspects of Fundamental Rights (Part IV, Chapter 2), Key Rights Enshrined in the Constitution (Part IV, Chapter 3), Relations Between the State and Religious Denominations (Part V, Chapter 1), in Constitutional Law in Italy, Second edition, Wolters Kluwer International, The Netherlands 2019

Lamarque E., Prima i bambini. Il principio dei best interests of the child nella prospettiva costituzionale [Children First. The Best Interests of the Child Principle in the Constitutional Perspective], FrancoAngeli, Milano 2016

Cerini D., Lamarque E., Cibo e farmaci non consumati diventino doni, quando possibile, non rifiuti. Commento a prima lettura della L. 19 agosto 2016, n. 166 [Let the Not Consumed Food and Drugs become Gifts, when possible, not Waste. First Comments on the Italian Law 19 August 2016 No. 166], in Corr. giur., 2016

Biscotti B., Lamarque E., Presentazione [Introduction to Food and Water. Challenges for Contemporary Law. Towards and Beyond Milan Expo 2015], in Cibo e acqua. Sfide per il diritto contemporaneo. Verso e oltre Expo 2015, Giappichelli, Torino 2015