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Maria Emilia Garbelli - BEST4food

Maria Emilia Garbelli


Lecturer – Economics and Business Management (Secs P-08) Department of Economics, Management and Statistics.

Research activities and skills

Her recent researches concern the Italian cookware sector, the promotion and development of the sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, the gastronomic tourism.

Most Relevant Publication

Il settore cookware in Italia, Giappichelli, Turin, (forthcoming)

(with A. Adukaite, L. Cantoni), Value perception of world heritage sites and tourism sustainability matters through content analysis of online communications: the case of Victoria Falls world heritage site, in “Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology”, 2017

Competitive Networking For SME: A Case Study Of Its Success In Italy, in “European Scientific Journal”, 2016, 12(7)

Evaluating the sustainable value proposition of an Italian SMEs virtual network through its value creation stage”, in S. Cerutti, E. Piva (eds.), Innovative Organizations and Global Management: Issues and Policies, Ars.Uni.vco, Domodossola, 2015

Performance Measurement and Global Networks, Giappichelli Turin, 2014