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Massimo Labra - BEST4food

Massimo Labra


Associated Professor in Plant Biology at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Research activities and skills

Research field includes the study of biodiversity and agro-biodiversity and the evaluation of food quality and traceability by using DNA molecular markers. He is also involved in bioeconomical project to exploit waste food

Most Relevant Publication

E Ferri, A Galimberti, M Casiraghi, C Airoldi, C Ciaramelli, A Palmioli, V Mezzasalma, I Bruni, M Labra. 2016. Towards a Universal Approach Based on Omics Technologies for the Quality Control of Food. BioMed Research International (In press).

A Galimberti, A Sandionigi, A Bruno, I Bruni, M Barbuto, M Casiraghi, M Labra. 2015. Towards a Universal Molecular Approach for the Quality Control of New Foodstuffs. Advances in Food Biotechnology, 37-60

A Galimberti, A Bruno, V Mezzasalma, F De Mattia, I Bruni, M Labra. 2015. Emerging DNA-based technologies to characterize food ecosystems. Food Research International 69, 424-433

I Bruni, A Galimberti, L Caridi, D Scaccabarozzi, F De Mattia, M Casiraghi, M Labra. 2015. A DNA barcoding approach to identify plant species in multiflower honey. Food chemistry 170, 308-315

A Galimberti, M Labra, A Sandionigi, A Bruno, V Mezzasalma, F De Mattia. 2014. DNA barcoding for minor crops and food traceability. Advances in Agriculture, ID 831875

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