Università degli Studi di Pavia

Master internazionale in trattamento integrato multidisciplinare dei disturbi dell’alimentazione e della nutrizione
Qualification required
Bachelor or master graduated
Director and contacts
Prof.ssa Hellas Cena
Main language
The master has the aim of acquiring suitable knowledge to deepen the integrated interdisciplinary themes necessary for therapeutic work in Nutrition and Nutrition Disorders. The course takes place through controlled access to an IT platform and requires that each student is followed by a specialist tutor on the subjects covered by the course and with the continuous supervision of the teaching staff of the Master. The student's participation in national and international forums related to nutrition and nutrition disorders is facilitated by creating and developing personal critique and discussion skills in these issues.
Career opportunities
The professional figure formed in the Master can find a chance in different organizational realities oriented to the prevention and / or integrated multidisciplinary treatment of eating disorders and nutrition in specific structures. Public and private employers generally appreciate the additional academic and professional knowledge acquired by the owners.

Dietetica e nutrizione clinica
Qualification required
Three-year university graduates and graduates in:
- Medicine and Surgery
- Biology
- Pharmacy
- Agri-food sciences and technologies
- Physical education
- Agro-industrial biotechnology
- Natural sciences
Director and contacts
Prof.ssa Hellas Cena
Main language
The II level University Master in "Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition" aims to re-enter the participants in the role of dietetics and nutrition in the field of health protection, in-depth knowledge and application of the basic principles of dietetics and clinical nutrition in the management of prevention and nutritional medical therapy.
Career opportunities
The trained professional figure can find a chance in public and private structures that deal with food and nutrition with an increased employment opportunity.