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Mauro Van Aken - BEST4food

Mauro Van Aken


Associated Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Research activities and skills

Food and agri/cultures, water social worlds and food making, patterns of cooperation in environment, climate change and cultural change

Most Relevant Publication

con Fiamingo, C., Ciabarri, L., (2014, a cura), I conflitti per la terra. Tra accaparramento, consumo e accesso indisciplinato, Altravista, Lungavilla.

Van Aken, M., La diversità delle acque. Antropologia di un bene molto comune, Altravista, Lungavilla, 2012

Van Aken, M. Fabietti, U., Barberani, S., Riva, F., Carosso, M., Bargna, I, Badii. M., 2015, Food Culture among Sharing and Exclusion Practices, in: Laboratorio Expo. The Many Faces of Sustainability, S. Veca (ed), Milano, Feltrinelli, pp.35-65.

Van Aken, M., 2015, Immaginari di natura. Mangiare e coltivare cibo baladìì (locale) nei Territori Palestinesi, in: Imago, v. IV, n.5, pp.39-65.

Van Aken, M., 2015, Virtual Water, H2O and the De-socialisation of Water. A Brief Anthropological Journey, in: The water we eat. Combining virtual water and water footprint, Antonelli M., Greco F. (eds), Springer, London, pp. 103-121.

Van Aken, M., 2016, Coral gardensand their Denials.
Culture, Environment and the Uncertainties of the Future, in Annuario Antropologia, V. 3, N° 1 N.S, pp.90-109

Van Aken, M., Casciarri, B., 2013, Introduction: affaires globales, eaux locales et flux de cultures, in: Antropologie et eau(x), Journal des Anthropologues, (Van Aken, Casciarri co-ed.). n. 132-133, pp.15-45.