Francesca Granucci
Associated Professor of General Pathology at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Research activities and skills
Study of the mammalian innate immune system in models of microbial induced and sterile inflammation, preclinical development of anti-inflammatory compounds.
Most Relevant Publication
Zanoni I, Spreafico R, Bodio C, Di Gioia M, Cigni C, Broggi A, Gorletta T, Caccia M, Chirico G, Sironi L, Collini M, Colombo MP, Garbi N, Granucci F. IL-15 cis presentation is required for optimal NK cell activation in lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammatory conditions. Cell Report. 2013 Sep 26;4(6):1235-49. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.08.021.
Vitali C, Mingozzi F, Broggi A, Barresi S, Zolezzi F, Bayry J, Raimondi G, Zanoni I, Granucci F. Migratory, and not lymphoid-resident, dendritic cells maintain peripheral self-tolerance and prevent autoimmunity via induction of iTreg cells. Blood. 2012 Aug 9;120(6):1237-45.
Zanoni I, Ostuni R, Barresi S, Di Gioia M, Broggi A, Costa B, Marzi R and Granucci F. Mechanism of lipopolysaccharide-induced skin edema formation in the mouse. J Clinical Investigation 2012 May;122(5):1747-57. doi: 10.1172/JCI60688
Zanoni I, Ostuni R, Marek LR, Barresi S, Barbalat R, Barton GM, Granucci F*, Kagan JC*. CD14 controls the LPS-induced endocytosis of Toll-like receptor 4. Cell. 2011 Nov 11;147(4):868-80. *equal contribution, co-corresponding
Zanoni I, Ostuni R, Capuano G, Collini M, Caccia M, Ronchi AE, Rocchetti M, Mingozzi F, Foti M, Chirico G, Costa B, Zaza A, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Granucci F. CD14 regulates the dendritic cell life cycle after LPS exposure through NFAT activation. Nature. 2009 Jul 9;460(7252):264-8