Steca Patrizia
Full Professor of Psychology at the University of Milano-Bicocca
Research activities and skills
Research field includes the study of psychological processes that impact on lifestyle (diet and physical activity) in populations affected by chronic and complex diseases (e.g., cardiovascular diseases). She is also involved in projects on new technologies aimed at developing digital interventions to promote healthy lifestyle.
Most Relevant Publication
Steca, P., Monzani, D., Greco, A., Franzelli, C., Magrin, M.E., Miglioretti, M., Sarini, M., Scrignaro, M., Vecchio, L., Fattirolli, F., D'Addario, M. (2017). Stability and change of lifestyle profiles in cardiovascular patients after their first acute coronary event. PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0183905.
Steca, P., Pancani, L., Cesana, F., Fattirolli, F., Giannattasio, C., Greco, A., D'Addario, M., Monzani, D., Cappelletti, E.R., Magrin, M.E., Miglioretti, M., Sarini, M., Scrignaro, M., Vecchio, L., &Franzelli, C. (2017). Changes in physical activity among coronary and hypertensive patients: A longitudinal study using the Health Action Process Approach. Psychology & Health, 32, 361-380.
Steca, P., D’Addario, M., Magrin, M.E., Miglioretti, M., Monzani, D., Pancani, L., Sarini, M., Scrignaro, M., Vecchio, L., Giannattasio, C., Cesana, F., Riccobono, S., & Greco, A. (2016). A Type A and Type D Combined Personality Typology in Essential Hypertension and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Associations with Demographic, Psychological, Clinical, and Lifestyle Indicators.PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161840.
Norcini Pala, A., Steca, P., Bagrodia, R., Helpman, L., Colangeli, V., Viale, P., Wainberg, M.L. (2016). Subtypes of depressive symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers: An exploratory study on a sample of HIV-positive patients. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 56, 105-113.
Steca, P., Pancani, L., Greco, A., D’Addario, M., Magrin, M.E., Miglioretti, M., Sarini, M., Scrignaro, M., Vecchio, L., Cesana, F., Giannattasio, C., Fattirolli, F., & Zanettini, R. (2015). Changes in dietary behavior among coronary and hypertensive patients: A longitudinal investigation using the Health Action Process Approach. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 7, 316-339.